Well hello again folks, AC here. Well business has been good for us lately. Mostly just your normal critters, they make up the bulk of our business. It's what puts food on the table both figuratively and literally. We do tend to get a lot of calls for what would be consider abnormal catches, but they just mostly turn out to be your run of the mill, brown paper bag type critters like rats, opossums and raccoons. They get bumpin and rollin round in the rafters at night and people get spooked out of their melons. Now sometimes it can be a might difficult to tell the difference between the critters stated above and the elusive Coopachabras. They make the same sounds, kill other critters in the same fashion and even look like 'em a bit in the dark. Now with the internet and cable TV everywhere, everybody thinks they got themselves some sort of Boogey Man living in their crawl space. Me and Jr. get calls everyday for the craziest of things, I shot a bigfoot once, so I know crazy, and we got to weed out the kooks constantly. We got a call yesterday from a guy up north, said his name was Scotty. Said he had a monster living under his bed, so I had to ask him a few questions, you know to get a feel for him. I asked is it there now? He said it wasn't, it apparently lived under his bed when he was a little. Says it tracked him down and broke into his house last month. I asked what'd do? Said it watched him for a bit and them it used his computer. Said it was sorry for treating him bad when he was a kid and left him a picture. I says, it told you that? he said no, it typed it up on the computer. I says but you got a picture of it right? He says he did, it was a picture he'd drew of it when he was four. So I asked, what we have is an email and a crayon drawing that about right? He said yep, so I took is number and told him we'd have to do some research and I'd get back to soon enough. Ever since we put that ad on Craigslist we get a dozen or so fruit loops like that a week.
The most common thing you're likely to run across is your common Mexican Devil Dog or the Coopachabras as they are most commonly referred. Now I'm here to tell you, don't take these things lightly. They are as fast as they are ugly. They are just as nasty in a wide open space as they are cornered and close up. Your best bet is using a baited trap. They call them things goat suckers, but I find the best thing to use is marshmallows. The little buggers love 'em. Put a few in one of those spring loaded traps from the Home Depot and they'll practically kill each other just fighting to get at 'em. If you find yourself up close with one make sure you have something sharp. Something like a shovel or a hatchet is good, but I'm here to tell you that a good ol' fashion frog gigging stick works just as good.Really, if you're gonna go poking around in a dark attic or under your house fashion yourself a gigging stick. Just find a good solid, long stick and sharpen one end. Try to fix a strap to the other end to put around your wrist so you ain't gonna loose your grip on it. My good buddy Beaman says a quick ridge hand to the side of the neck will do it in nicely, on account they got small necks. Really, I can't even describe how jacked up these things are, they look like a giant burnt hairless squirrel. I got a picture round here somewhere I 'll put it on here. Anyway, until next time. Happy Huntin!!